This guide will introduce you to library resources regarding maps, and geospatial information, including GIS data.
Use the tabs above to navigate through the following pages of the guide:
All maps are listed in the Library's Catalog. All maps may be checked out, just like books. Be sure to note the map's call #, and location
The latest events about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Includes links out videos & social posts.
Mapping systemic racism in Jefferson County, Colorado
Video copy of "Race-based real estate developments in Jefferson County, Colorado" presentation
If you were unable to attend the live session, the video of the presentation, “Race-based real estate developments in Jefferson County, Colorado” is now online. The presentation itself is 35 minutes long, plus additional time for Q&A. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested in helping with this project.
Discover how to use air photos to find clues from the past to understand the present. This FREE 30-minute tutorial will change the way you look at the world.
Love puzzles & want a challenge? — Take some of the 43 quizzes! Already know a lot about aerial photographs? PROVE IT by taking the quizzes.