When you search the catalog, you can limit (Refine your results) to items by Resource Type - books.
One can also do an advanced search and limit to material type - books.
Related Guide: Find Books
Can't come into the Library? These ebooks can be accessed now. The links below lead to the Library Catalog records for ebooks; then click on the link for "Full text available at:" to view the ebook. Every ebook publisher is unique and you may need to create an account with them to view the content. Downloading restrictions vary widely.
Note: To Identify Yourself as Colorado School of Mines User:
One of the best ways to discover the perfect source for your topic is to browse the library stacks by call number range. Each call number range represents a particular subject and all of the books on a particular topic will be located in the same general area on the shelves. So if you want a book about library collections, go to the call number range beginning with Z's to see what we have!
Class Z: Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (General)
Call # A - Q 175 | 3rd Floor |
Call # Q 175 - TK 7867 | 2M Floor (Mezzanine) |
Call # TK 7867 - Z | 2nd Floor |
Reference Collection | 2nd Floor, Boettcher Room |
If a book you need for your research is not available in our collection, we can get it for you!
Just request it though Interlibrary Loan.
Please note: it can take up to 12 days to receive a book through interlibrary loan.