The Mary McLaughlin Craig Collection (1879(?) - 1995) consists of family correspondence, mining claims, mine reports, maps and other documents on properties focusing on the Homestake Mine in Deadwood, South Dakota. William Law McLaughlin, a prominent lawyer in Deadwood, was actively involved in the area's mining industry, as was his brother Daniel J. McLaughlin. Mary McLaughlin Craig (1889-1964), William's daughter, was a Santa Barbara architect but retained a lifelong participation her family's interest in the Homestake Mine.
McLaughlin Craig assembled a body of correspondence, legal documents, maps and reports that comprise the collection. Correspondence includes exchanges with Craig, Donald H. McLaughlin, President of the Homestake Mining Co., and Lawrence Wright, geologist and surveyor for the Company.
The Collection provides an insightful look into the ownership of mines and mining claims. Mary McLaughlin Craig dedicated a significant portion of her life to ensuring that the properties that she owned and held stake in were profitable to her and her family. The correspondence, records and articles in this collection not only serve to document the life of McLaughlin Craig and her family, but the history of the claims and companies involved in the ownership process.
Box 1. Contains papers on the gift (2006); the McLaughlin family; and the Homestake Mines, South Dakota (1980s, 2003).
File “Gift Documentation.” Contains documents on the gift of this collection and correspondence with Robert Sorgenfrei and Pamela Skewes-Cox. (2006 & 2007).
Skewes-Cox Gift to the Colorado School of Mines, May 2006. Mary McLaughlin Craig and Skewes-Cox Collection of Papers Concerning the Homestake Mine, 1879-1995. 2 soft-bound folders.
File “McLaughlin Family, Misc.” Contains:
File “Homestake Mine – About.” Contains:
Box 2. Contains mostly legal documents on mining properties and estates; assay reports. (1879?-1933):
File “Estate.” Contains documents (1892, 1910-1917).
File “Correspondence nd.” Contains handwritten, undated correspondence.
File “Deposition c1879.” Contains deposition on the Green Jacket lode (c1879?).
File “Location Certificates 1899-1908.“ Contains location certificates for the Mary and Helen lodes, South Dakota (1899, 1906, 1908)
File “Assays.” Contains: Classification of assay, Henry E. Wood, 1900. Assay, Henry Schnitzel, 1900.
File “Stock, Assessment Agreements 1902-1917.” Contains documents on stock and assessment agreements (1902-1917).
File “Lease Agreements, Deeds 1906-1910.” Contains lease agreements and deeds (1900-1906).
File “Lease Agreements, Deeds 1908-1910.” Contains lease agreements and deeds (1908-1910).
File “Lease Agreements, Deeds 1911-1917, 1933.” Contains lease agreements and deeds (1911-1917, 1933).
File “Documents 1913-1916.” Contains a deed on the Cariboo, Hardscrabble, E. Refugio and St. Anthony claims, Bear Butte district, Lawrence County, South Dakota; and accompanying documents (1913-1916).
File” Mineral Survey 1719.” Contains:
File “Financials 1911-1912.” Contains trial balances and assets figures, 1911-1912.
Box 3. Contains reports on the Homestake Mine, mostly written by Lawrence B. Wright, Chief Geologist, Homestake Mining Company. Wright’s final report (1931) includes his letter of resignation.
File “Wright, L.B., Possibilities.” Contains: Wright, Lawrence B. Possibilities of ore in the Cambrian formation area west of Roosevelt Mt. and north of Blacktail Gulch, Lead, South Dakota, 1925. Includes maps of claims, geology and cross sections.
File “Tabulation.” Contains: A tabulation of facts relative to the Homestake ore bodies; agreed upon by Dr. D. H. MacLaughlin and L. B. Wright, July 3, 1926.
File “Wright, L.B. Relationship.” Contains: Wright, L.B. Relationship of rhyolite dikes and gold distribution in the Homestake Mine, 1930. Includes map of the property.
File “Moore, E. S. The geological age of the Homestake orebodies, 1927?” Moore, E. S. Relation of dikes and ore, c1931?.
File “Wright, L.B., Misc.” Contains documents on the Homestake Mine’s production values, ores and mineralization; includes hand-drawn maps of underground levels, c1931.
File “Wright, L.B. Geological Work 1931.” Contains: Wright, L. B. Geological work during 1930 (2 copies). Includes colored cross section of Homestake property; resignation letter by Wright (1931).
Box 4. Contains: Correspondence and documents on the disposition of mining properties in Lawrence County, South Dakota. Includes: Correspondence, some in draft form or copies, of Lawrence B. Wright, Chief Geologist, Homestake Mining Company on mining properties including the Wasp #2 Mine (1932-1934), with:
File “Correspondence, Wright 1922.” Contains professional correspondence from and about Lawrence Wright.
File “Correspondence, Wright 1926-1927.” Contains professional and business correspondence between Lawrence Wright and D. H. McLaughlin.
File “Correspondence, Wright 1928.” Contains professional and business correspondence between Lawrence Wright and D. H. McLaughlin.
File “Correspondence, Wright 1929.” Contains professional and business correspondence between Lawrence Wright and D. H. McLaughlin.
File “Correspondence, Wright 1930.” Contains professional and business correspondence between Lawrence Wright and D. H. McLaughlin.
File “Correspondence, Wright 1934-1938.” Contains various professional and business correspondence to Lawrence Wright.
File “Correspondence, Wasp #2 Mine 1932.” Contains correspondence related to the Wasp #2 Mine and Homestake Mine between R.E. Driscoll, Kenneth MacPherson, Edward H. Clark, Mary McLaughlin Craig and Chambers Kellar. [Original file labeled “Craig vs Homestake, 1932”.]
File “Correspondence, Wasp #2 Mine 1933.” Contains a letter from Edward Manion to R.E. Driscoll on the Wasp #2 Mine.
File “Correspondence-Clark, Edward H. 1934” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Edward H. Clark on options on South Dakota properties.
File “Correspondence-Craig, Mary 1934.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig, Quincey A. Shaw Jr., Charles Perkins, Grattin Lynch, Malcom P. McPherson, John Tait Millikin and Chambers Kellar.
File “Correspondence-Driscoll, R.E., 1934.” Correspondence between R.E. Driscoll and Mary McLaughlin Craig and Kenneth McPherson on the purchase of the Wasp No. 2 by the Homestake company.
File “Correspondence-Eaton, Frederick M. 1934.” Contains correspondence between Frederick M. Eaton and Mary McLaughlin Craig on her option on the Wasp No. 2.
File “Correspondence-Livermore, Robert 1934.” Correspondence between Robert Livermore and Mary McLaughlin Craig on properties in Deadwood, South Dakota.
File “Correspondence-Russell John R. 1934.” Correspondence between John R. Russell and Mary McLaughlin Craig regarding options on South Dakota properties. Also includes correspondence with R.E. Driscoll.
File “Correspondence—Mason, Norman 1934.” Contains correspondence of Norman T. Mason, some to Mary M. Craig, on the Wasp No. 2 Mine and other properties, indicating that Mason was representing Craig. Includes letters about the disposition of the estate of Caroline Steele and the Phoenix Block, Deadwood; Branch Mint Mining & Milling Company.
File “Correspondence—Manion, Edward 1934.” Contains correspondence between Edward Manion and Mary M. Craig concerning a placer claim and the Deadbroke property near Deadwood, South Dakota (1934).
File “Exhibits from Wasp No. 2. Sale 1934.” Correspondence and assignments for Mary McLaughlin Craig’s option on the Wasp No. 2 property.
File “North American Mines, Inc. 1934” Contains correspondence to Mary McLaughlin Craig [Mrs. J. Osborne Craig]; an agreement by Craig on the disposition of Mineral Survey Nos. 1719 and 1720, Whitewood mining district, Lawrence County, South Dakota (1934).
File “Ophir Metals Company.” Contains are report (3 p.) on the Lion Hill properties, Ophir mining district, Ophir Utah (1934?).
File “Abstract Title & Co. 1935.” Correspondence between Abstract Title & Co., Mary McLaughling Craig and Norman T. Mason on abstracts of property surveys.
File “Correspondence-Clark, Edward H. 1935.” Contains correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Edward H. Clark on the Homestake and Seims properties.
File “Correspondence—Craig, Mary 1935.” Contains correspondence by Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties. Recipients include: Wilton Lloyd-Smith and Frederick Eaton (Cotton, Franklin, Wright & Gordon, attorneys); John P. Gray; Gurney E. Newlin (attorney); Hayes & Hayes (attorneys). Refers to: Oakleigh Thorne; John R. Russell; Charles Perkins; Deadbroke property; Minerva Mine; Gustin property; Two by Six property; Lonesome claims; Jupiter-Phoenix-Deadbroke group; Seims property; Foster S. Naething. Also includes a newspaper clipping “Contract for 125-ton-per-day mill at Maitland Mine is let by the Canyon Corporation,” Lead Call, 19 Nov 1934. Quit Claim Deed for the Golden Crown No. 2 Lode, Great Eastern Lode, and Evening Star Lode, part of Mineral Survey No. 1719; and Mineral Survey No. 1720, Whitewood mining district, Lawrence County, South Dakota (1935).
File “Correspondence-Curran & Curran 1935.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Curran & Curran Investments on Mary McLaughlin Craigs assets.
File “Correspondence—Eaton, Fred 1935.” Contains correspondence between Frederick M. Eaton (Cotton, Franklin, Wright & Gordon, attorneys) on the disposition of mining properties related to Mary M. Craig. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig; Oakleigh Thorne; Edward H. Clark (Homestake Mining Co.); Norman T. Mason. Refers to: Seim property; Bertoleros brothers; Newmont Mining Co.; John Russell.
File “Correspondence-Gray, John P. 1935” Correspondence to Mary McLaughlin Craig from John P. Gray trying to arrange a meeting.
File “Correspondence-Hayes & Hayes 1935.” Correspondence between R.C. Hayes, Mary McLaughlin Craig and Norman T. Mason on various properties.
File “Correspondence-Livermore, Robert 1935.” Correspondence between Robert Livermore and Mary McLaughlin Craig on claims in the Black Hills.
File “Correspondence-Manion, Edward 1935.” A letter from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Edward Manion regarding his assessment of Humphries Gold Corporation.
File “Correspondence-Mason, Norman T. 1935.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Norman T. Mason on the Seim group of claims.
File “Correspondence-Naething, Foster S. 1935.” A letter from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Foster S. Naething.
File “Correspondence—Perkins, Charles 1935.” Contains correspondence by Charles E. Perkins on disposition of mining properties related to Mary M. Craig. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig; John R. Russell. Refers to: Oakleigh Thorne; Seim property; Homestake Mining Co.; M.S. 1719.
File “Correspondence—Russell, John 1935.” Contains correspondence by John R. Russell and documents on the disposition of mining properties related to Mary M. Craig. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig; Oakleigh Thorne; Jerry S. and Sam Batinovich; Frederick M. Eaton (Cotton, Franklin, Wright & Gordon, attorneys);
Refers to: Eldorado, Zadir and Burghi properties; Thanksgiving lodes; Homestake Mining Co.; M.S. 1694; Halledon, White Flag and Monument lodes; Star lode; Charles Perkins. Stankovitch brothers; M.S. 1719 and 1720. Includes:
File “Correspondence—Stewart, H.H. 1935.” Contains correspondence and documents by H.H. Stewart (Real Estate—Mines and Mining, Deadwood SD) on properties related to Mary M. Craig. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig. Includes:
File “Correspondence—Thorne, Oakleigh 1935.” Contains correspondence (mostly Western Union telegrams) by Oakleigh Thorne on disposition of mining properties related to Mary M. Craig. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig; Frederick M. Eaton; Norman T. Mason; James L. Curran.
Refers to: John Russell; Charles Perkins; Homestake Mining Co.
Box 5. Contains: Correspondence, some in draft form or copies, and documents on the disposition of mining properties in Lawrence County, South Dakota (1935-1936). Includes correspondence with:
File “Correspondence—Mason, Norman & MMC 1935.” Contains correspondence by Norman T. Mason. Includes correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Norman T. Mason. Includes mention of the Minerva claims, Homestake Mining Company, Seim Property. Includes:
File “Correspondence—Mason, Norman 1935a.” Contains correspondence by Norman T. Mason. Includes documents referring to Bob Hayes, Sarah P. McLaughlin (Mrs. William L. McLaughlin), John H. Russell, Edward Manion, Mary M. Craig, Charles E. Perkins, Oakleigh Thorne, Horace Clark, Olaf Seim, Frederick M. Eaton (Cotton, Franklin, Wright & Gordon, attorneys), Fred P. Hamilton. Includes mention of Minerva properties, Phoenix Block, Mineral Surveys 1719 and 1720, Lonesome placers.
File “Taxes 1935.” Contains Statements of Taxes for various mining properties in Lawrence County, South Dakota; William L. McLaughlin Estate and others (1935).
File “Correspondence—Seim Property 1935.” Contains correspondence and documents on the Seim Property and related properties connected with Mary M. Craig. Includes:
File “Seim Property.” Contains correspondence, documents and option agreements on the Seim Property and its disposition (1931-1935). Includes:
File “Black Tail Gulch Properties, 1936.” Contains correspondence and an unsigned copy of an agreement on properties in Black Tail Gulch, Lawrence County, South Dakota (1936).
File “Homestake Mining Co. 1936.” Contains a list of stockholders and a newspaper article on the Ross shaft, Homestake Mine, Lead Call (?) 1936.
File “Correspondence—Craig, Mary 1936.” File “Correspondence—Craig, Mary McLaughlin 1936.” Contains correspondence of persons involved in the disposition of mining properties with Mary M. Craig. Includes documents from: Edward H. Clark, Jacob Weinberger (Weinberger & Miller, attorneys), P.N. Hanson (Abstract & Title Co., Deadwood SD), John P. Gray, R. C. Hayes (Hayes & Hayes, lawyers), Arthur Notman (mining engineer & geologist), John R. Rosenthal, Nathan Halle, H.H. Stewart (Real Estate-Mines & Mining, Deadwood SD), Chambers Kellar (Kellar & Kellar, attorneys), George Blow (mining engineer), Guy Bjorge ? (General Manager, Homestake Mining Co.), Lewis W. Douglas. Includes referrals to: Minerva claims, Seim Group, Homestake Mine, Rosenthal estate, Blacktail properties, W.L. McLaughlin estate, Rosenthal estate, Canyon Corp., Golden Reward property, Phoenix-Jupiter Group (Blacktail), Seim Group, Wasp Mine, Jupiter Gold Mining Company, Deadbroke property, Stankovich claims.
File “Correspondence-Eaton, Frederick M. 1936.” Correspondence between Frederick M. Eaton and Mary McLaughlin Craig on properties in South Dakota.
File “Correspondence-Kellar, Chambers 1936.” Correspondence between Chambers Kellar and Mary McLaughlin Craig properties in South Dakota.
File “Correspondence-Livermore, Robert 1936.” A letter from Robert Livermore to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the prospect of building a mill on her property.
File “Correspondence-Manion, Edward 1936.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and on the return of property from John R. Russell.
File “Correspondence—Mason, Norman 1936.” Contains correspondence by Norman Mason (attorney) on the disposition of mining properties. Recipients include: Mary M. Craig, Sarah P. McLaughlin, James M. Campbell (Treasurer, Lawrence County), Weinberger & Miller, P.N. Hanson (Abstract & Title Co., Deadwood SD), John R. Russell. Includes mention of: Minerva Lode, Sol Rosenthal’s estate lodes; Jupiter Gold Mining & Milling Company, M.C. Rosetter Estate, Bald Mountain Mining Company, Phoenix Gold Mining Company, Blackwood Gulch properties.
File “Correspondence-Naething, Foster S., 1936.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Foster S. Naething on interest in the Black Hills properties.
File “Correspondence-Russell, John R., 1936.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and John R. Russell on the Blacktail Properties.
File “Correspondence – Clark, Edward H. 1937.” Contains correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Edward H. Clark on the Wasp No.2 claim.
File “Correspondence—Craig, Mary 1937.” Contains correspondence by Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties. Recipients include: Arthur Notman, W.L. Pemberton, Includes correspondence by Mary M. Craig’s mother (?). Includes referrals to Homestake Mining Co., McLaughlin estate, Black Tail property, Golden Reward property, Harriman estate, Goelet estate, North American Mines, Inc., Rosenthal estate, Wasp Mining Company, Canyon Corp., Oro Hondo property, Seim property. Includes:
File “Correspondence – Eaton, Frederick M. 1937.” Correspondence between Frederick M. Eaton and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake claims.
File “Correspondence—Hayes & Hayes 1937.” Contains correspondence by Hayes & Hayes (attorneys) to Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties.
File “Correspondence - Kellar, Chambers 1937.” Contains correspondence between Chambers Kellar and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake mine.
File “Correspondence – Manion, Edward 1937.” Contains correspondence between Edward Manion and Mar McLaughlin Craig.
File “Correspondence – Mason, Norman T. 1937.” Contains correspondence between Norman T. Mason and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake property.
File “Correspondence – Naething, Foster S. 1937.” Contains correspondence between Foster S. Naething and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Wasp No. 2 claim.
File “Correspondence – Russell, John R. 1937.” Contains correspondence between John R. Russell and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Wasp No. 2.
File “Correspondence – Tackabury, George 1937.” Contains correspondence between George Tackabury and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Blacktail property.
File “Correspondence – Weinberger, Jacob 1937.” Correspondence between Jacob Weinberger and Mary McLaughlin Craig on her mining properties
File “Wright, L.B., Woodstock & Assoc. Claims 1937.” Contains “Lawrence B. Wright. Brief preliminary report on the Woodstock and associated claims near Lead, South Dakota. 1937. (3 versions).
File “Correspondence—Wright, L.B. 1937.” Contains correspondence of Lawrence B. Wright (Wright, Dolbear & Company) on mining properties. Includes correspondence by: Samuel H. Dolbear; J.N. Stankovitch; M.S. 1660, 1720, 1752; Hibernia claim; Lucky claim. Recipients: John Brennan; Lawrence B. Wright; Guy N. Bjiorge (manager, Homestake Mining Co.). Refers to: Stankovitch claims; Homestake Mining Co.; Oro Hondo property.
File “Lease agreement, Black Tail Gulch 1937.” Contains a lease agreement between Nathan Halle and N.A. Rosenthal and others concerning the properties in Black Tail Gulch, Lawrence County, South Dakota (unsigned copy).
File “Wasp No. 2 1937.” Contains an agreement regarding stock certificates of the Wasp No. 2 Mining Company 1937 (unsigned copy).
Box 6. Contains correspondence, documents and depositions of “Craig v. Homestake Mining Co.” 1938.
File “Craig v. Homestake Mining Co. 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and others on her case against the Homestake Mining Co.
File “Court Documents Craig v. Homestake Mining Co.”
File “Depositions Craig v. Homestake Mining Co.”
Box 7. Contains: Correspondence, 1938, 1949-1952. Includes correspondence with:
File “Correspondence—Adams, Edward 1938.” Contains correspondence between Edward A. Adams (attorney) and Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties. Refers to: Homestake Mining Co.
File “Correspondence-Clarke, Edward H. 1938.” Correspondence between Edward H. Clarke and Mary McLaughlin Craig regarding Homestake Mining claims.
File “Correspondence-Curran, James L. 1938.” Correspondence between James L. Curran and Mary McLaughlin Craig regarding the profitability of the Homestake Mine.
File “Correspondence-Douglas, L.W. 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and L.W. Douglas on the Seim Claim.
File “Correspondence-Eaton, Frederick M. 1938.” Correspondence from Frederick M. Eaton to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake and Wasp claims.
File “Correspondence—Gray, John 1938.” Contains correspondence between John P. Gray (Gray and McNaughton, attorneys) and Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties. Refers to: Ira B. Joralemon (mining engineer); W. J. Mead (professor, MIT).
File “Correspondence—Hayes & Hayes 1938.” Contains correspondence between Robert C. and Charles R. Hayes (Hayes & Hayes, attorneys) and Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties.
Refers to: John Russell; Stankovitch family; Mitchel Taradesh; Homestake Mining Co.; M.S. 1720; Grizzley Gulch properties; M.S. 1492; Woodstock claims; Frank J. Walsh; Edward P. Stoddard; Canyon Corp.; Blacktail properties; McLaughlin estate.
File “Correspondence-Hodges, Wetmore 1938.” Correspondence from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Wetmore Hodges regarding the purchase of properties by the Homestake Company.
File “Correspondence—Hutchinson & Livermore 1938.” Contains correspondence between Robert Livermore and W. Spencer Hutchinson (Hutchinson & Livermore, Mining Engineers) and Mary McLaughlin Craig. Recipients include: Garret W. McEnerney; Mary M. Craig. Refers to: North American Mines Inc.; Homestake Mining Co.; Charles E. Perkins; Wasp property; Edward H. Clarke; Seim claims.
File “Correspondence-Kellar, Chambers 1938.” Correspondence from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Chambers Kellar regarding the Seim claim.
File “Correspondence-Lloyd-Smith, Wilton 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Wilton Lloyd-Smith on properties in Deadwood.
File “Correspondence-MacPherson, Kenneth C. 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Kenneth C. MacPherson on the Wasp #2 Claim.
File “Correspondence-Meyers, Lee J. 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Lee J. Meyers on the Wasp #2.
File “Correspondence-Oleson, Minnie Geis 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Minnie Geis Oleson on the formers suit against Homestake and the lawyers involved.
File “Correspondence-Ominsky, Peter 1938.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Peter Ominsky regarding his time in Fresno.
File “Correspondence—Rosenthal, N.A. 1938.” Contains correspondence between N.A. Rosenthal and Mary M. Craig. Refers to: John Russell; Nathan Halle.
File “Correspondence—Russell, John 1938.” Contains correspondence between John R. Russell, and Mary M. Craig on the disposition of mining properties. Other recipients include: Bernard Conniff; Nathan A. Rosenthal. Refers to: Hayes & Hayes; Phoenix property; Jupiter property; Blacktail property; Canyon Co.; Nathan Halle.
File “Correspondence-Stankovich, Juro N. 1938.” Correspondence between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich property.
File “Correspondence-Taradash, Mitchell 1938.” Correspondence between Mitchell Taradash and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Jupiter property.
File “Correspondence-Weinberger, Jacob 1938.” Correspondence between Jacob Weinberger and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Jupiter group.
File “Livermore, Robert 1949.” Letter from Robert Livermore to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Wasp property.
File “Adams, W.E. 1950.” Letters to Kenneth MacPherson from W.E. Adams on the Wasp property.
File “American Embassy 1950.” Letter from (Lou?) to Mary McLaughlin Craig on drawings for Artmore and Dorothy.
File “Livermore, Robert 1950.” Letter from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Robert Livermore on the tailings of the Wasp Mining Company.
File “MacPherson, Kenneth 1950.” Letter sent from Kenneth MacPherson to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Wasp Mining Company.
File “Parker, Francis J. 1951.” Correspondence between Francis J. Parker and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the purchase of the Lonesome Placers by Webb Weisenberg for grazing.
File “Agreement for Sale 1951.” Three copies of a sale agreement between Mary McLaughlin Craig and the Jupiter and Phoenix Mining Companies on the use of placers.
File “Curtis, John T. 1951 Craig vs. Homestake.” Memo by John T. Curtis on Craig vs. Homestake Mining Co. Correspondence between John T. Curtis and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the suit.
File “House, Victor 1951.” Letters sent from Victor House to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Craig vs. Homestake suit.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1951.” Letter from Donald H. McLaughlin to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the properties of the Blacktail Gold Mining Co.
File “Mead, W.J. 1951.” Letter from W.J. Mead to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Companies.
File “Seligman, Joseph L. 1951.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Joseph L. Seligman on the Craig vs. Homestake case.
File “Stankovich, Juro 1951.” Court papers for the Black Hills Land and Abstract Company.
File “Craig, Mary McLaughlin 1951.” Correspondence on interest in Black Hills claims.
File “House, Victor 1952.” Correspondence between Victor House and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Craig vs. Homestake suit.
File “Mead, Warren J. 1952.” Correspondence between Warren J. Mead and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Blacktail Gold Mining properties.
File “Hunt, R.N. 1952.” Correspondence between R. N. Hunt and Mary McLaughlin Craig on properties near the Homestake Mine.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1952.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Donald H. McLaughlin on the Stankovich claims.
File “Parker, Francis 1952.” Correspondence between Francis Parker and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the valuations of her properties.
File “Pfund, Southall 1952.” Correspondence between Southall Pfund and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mining properties.
File “Seligman, Joseph L. Jr. 1952.” Letter from Joseph L. Seligman to Mary McLaughlin Craig on her claim against the Homestake Company.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1952.” Letters from Juro N. Stankovich to Mary McLaughlin Craig on selling the Stankovich properties.
File “USGS Geologic Rpts. 1952.” Geologic and water supply reports on South Dakota.
File “Weisenberg, Webb 1952.” Correspondence between Webb Weisenberg and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the properties leased to Mr. Weisenberg.
File “______, Carolyn 1952 (?).” Letter from Carolyn to Mary McLaughlin Craig regarding papers by Kenneth McPherson and R. E. Driscoll.
File “Craig, Mary M. 1952.” Correspondence sent to Paul Martin, Frank Price, George W. Wilson and Dr. Kenneth MacPherson on inheritance, the Wasp, Craig vs. Homestake and holidays.
Box 8. Contains correspondence and documents (1953-1954).
File “Craig, Mary M. 1953.” Contains correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to the Board of Directors for the Homestake Mining Company; Herbert Hoover Jr.; Richard Lounsberry; Sewell Thomas; Reid W. Dwyer; W. J. Mead; Paul Martin. Refers to: Stankovich group.
File “Douglas, L.W. 1953.” Letter written to Mary McLaughlin Craig about claims by L. W. Douglas.
File “Harriman, Roland 1953.” Letters written to Mary McLaughlin Craig on purchase of properties and the price of gold.
File “Hayden, Frederick T. 1953.” Letter written to Juro N. Stankovich from Frederick T. Hayden on raising $300,000 in capital.
File “Lead Daily 1953.” Articles on the Homestake Company in the Lead Daily.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1953.” Three letters from Donald H. McLaughlin to Mary McLaughlin Craig on properties and investments, including the Stankovich property, Idarado Mining Company, Atlas Mining Company and Newmont Mining Company.
File “Paddison, L.F. 1953.” Letters from L.F. Paddison to Mary McLaughlin Craig and Juro N. Stankovich on the sale of the Stankovich claim.
File “Parker, Francis J. 1953.” Letter from Francis J. Parker to Mary McLaughlin Craig on a rent check from a one Alfred Smith.
File “Schott, Max 1953.” Letter to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the interest of the Homestake company on various properties.
File “Sears, Thomas D. 1953.” Letter to Mary McLaughlin Craig on investment opportunities in the stock market.
File “Stankovich, Juro & Claims 1953.” Options, mine reports, Memorandum on the Stankovich Claims and letters sent to Mary McLaughlin Craig and Louis (L.F.) Paddison.
File “Ames, Lawrence C. 1954.” Letters to Mary McLaughlin Craig on a property being shopped to the Homestake Mining Company.
File “Baruch, Bernard 1954.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Bernard Baruch on a property being shopped to the Homestake Mining Company.
File “Bowers, C. G. (& Eaton) 1954.” Correspondence sent to Mary McLaughlin Craig from Carlos G. Bowers and a notice or forwarding from Frederick M. Eaton.
File “Burgess, Randolph W. (Treasury Dept.) 1954.” Transcript of statement given by Randolph W. Burgess to the Treasury Department on issues related to U.S. policy towards gold.
File “Clare, Robert L. Jr. 1954.” Correspondence and copies of affidavits sent to Mary McLaughlin Craig from Robert L. Clare regarding the acquisition of a list of stockholders from the Homestake Mining Company.
File “Colombo, Louis J. (Jr.) 1954.” Correspondence sent to Mary McLaughlin Craig on a Dr. Macpherson from Louis J. Colombo.
File “Craig, Mary M. 1954.” Correspondence sent between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Dr. Donald H. McLaughlin on the Stankovich property. Correspondence also sent to Louis J. Colombo, Paul Martin, James C. Soelle, R.L. Clare Jr., Quincey Adams Shaw Jr., Quincey A. Shaw Sr., Mary Bennet, Murray Innes, William Colb, Dr. Kenneth MacPherson, Watson Washburn, Clarence Williams, Herbert Hoover Jr., and Mr. Aramayo. A copy of an affidavit requesting a list of stockholders from the Homestake mining company.
File “Correspondence – Fish, Lillian 1954.” A letter from Lilian M. Fish to a Mr. Price on the ability of Mary McLaughlin Craig to have the property evaluated and form her own mining company.
File “Foreign Corporations, Article 11 1954.” A page detailing article 11 and foreign corporations.
File “Hanover Bank 1954.” Letter from W. E. Callaghan of the Hanover Bank to Mary McLaughlin Craig informing her of their decision to forward her letter to the stockholders within the company.
File “Hayes, Charles R. 1954.” Letters between Charles R. Hayes and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich properties.
File “Hoffman, Arnold 1954.” Letters between Arnold Hoffman and Mary McLaughlin Craig regarding interest in the Stankovich property.
File “Irving Trust Co, 1954.” Letter from the Irving Trust Co. to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the list of Homestake Mining Stockholders.
File “Lawrence, Cyrus J. & Sons 1954.” Letter from Cyrus J. Lawrence & Sons to Mary McLaughlin Craig on her claims.
File “Livermore, Robert 1954.” Letters between Robert Livermore and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claim.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1954.” Correspondence sent between Donald H. McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claims.
File “Paul McLaughlin 1954.” Letters between Paul McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin Craig on her case against the Homestake Mine.
File “Michael, James 1954.” Letters between James Michael and Mary McLaughlin Craig on obtaining a list of stockholders from the Homestake Mining Company.
File “Mudd, Harvey S. 1954.” Letter from Harvey S. Mudd to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claim.
File “Paddison, L.F. 1954.” Correspondence sent between Quincy A. Shaw Jr., Mary McLaughlin Craig, and L.F. Paddison regarding the Stankovich claims.
File “Parker, Francis J. Correspondence sent between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Francis J. Parker on the Stankovich claims.
File “Redmond, Roland 1954.” Letters between Roland Redmond and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake stockholders list.
File “Regua, L.K. 1954.” Letter from L.K. Regua to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claims.
File “Shaw, Quincy A. 1954.” Correspondence sent between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Quincy A. Shaw on the Stankovich claims.
File “Soelle, James C. 1954.” Letters between James Soelle and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1954.” Correspondence between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Thomas, Sewell 1954.” Correspondence between Sewell Thomas and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Thorne, Oakleigh L. 1954. Letter from Oakleigh L. Thorne to Mary McLaughlin Craig on an upcoming deployment.
File “Ticonic Investment Co. 1954.” Letter from Ticonic Investment Co. on the Stankovich claims.
File “USGS Mineral Resources of S.D. 1954.” Report on mineral resources in South Dakota.
File “Watling, John 1954.” Letters between Mary McLaughlin Craig and John Watling on the Stankovich claims.
File “Wilson, Geo. W. 1954.” Letters between George W. Wilson and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the case against Homestake.
File “Winston, Garrard 1954.” Letters between Garrard Winston and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the case against Homestake.
File “____, Ted 1954.” Letter from a Ted to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the case against Homestake and Louis Colombo Jr.
File “Homestake Shareholders 1954.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and shareholders in the Homestake Mining Company including Richard M. Crosby, H, Content & Co., M.V. Haggin, L.T. Haggin, Eila Haggin, Charles W. Hill & Company, Mabel M. Gabriel, Fiduciary Trust Co. of New York, Charles V. Drew, Clark, Williams & Co, the Brown Brothers, Gordon Blanding, Thomas J. Haines and Ince and Company on the Stankovich claims.
Box 9. Contains correspondence and documents (1955-1957).
File “Craig, Mary M. 1955.” Correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Dr. Kenneth McPherson, Louis Colombo Jr., John McGuire of Three States Natural Gas Company, Lee Van Atta.
File “Driscoll, R.E. 1955.” Letter from R.E. Driscoll to Kenneth McPherson.
File “Gallagher, Wm. Henry 1955.” Correspondence between Wm. Henry Gallagher and Mary McLaughlin Craig. Includes memorandum from Dr. Kenneth McPherson.
File “Homestake Mining Co. Report 1955.” Homestake Mining Company Report.
File “Lawrence County Auditor 1955.” Letter from the auditor of Lawrence county with a description of the property.
File “Lead District Maps 1955.” Maps of the Lead District Mines.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1955.” Letters sent between Donald H. McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claims and Mines in Blacktail Gulch. Includes two letters sent to the editor of Life Magazine.
File “Parker Francis J. 1955.” Correspondence between Francis J. Parker and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mining Company and the leasing of property by the Smiths.
File “Peyton, Bernard 1955.” Letter from Bernard Peyton to Mary McLaughlin Craig on a Mr. Gulick.
File “Shaffer, L.E. 1955.” Letter from L.E. Shaffer to John McGuire on the Stankovich claims, as well as two reports on the Stankovich claims.
File “Shaw, Quincy A. 1955.” Letters between Quincy A. Shaw and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Company, the Stankovich Claims and the Seim Group.
File “Stankovich Group Map 1955.” Map of the Stankovich Claims.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1955.” Correspondence between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mine and the Stankovich group of claims.
File “Three States Nat. Gas Co. 1955.” Correspondence from Lee Van Atta of the Three States Natural Gas Company to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich Claims and the Homestake Mining Company.
File “Craig, Mary M. 1956.” Correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Quincy A. Shaw Jr., Donald H. McLaughlin, Juro N. Stankovich, Francis J. Parker, Watson Washburn, Albert Van Court and Brayton Wilbur on the Homestake Mining Company and the Stankovich claims.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1956.” Correspondence sent from Donald H. McLaughlin to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Company and the Stankovich claims.
File “Paddison, L.F. 1956.” Letter to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mining history.
File “Parker, Francis J. 1956.” Correspondence from Francis J. Parker to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the leasing of property to the Smith Brothers.
File “Shaw, Quincy A. 1956. ”Correspondence from Quincy A. Shaw to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Company and the Stankovich Claims. Includes map of the Stankovich Tunnel.
File “Tappaan, Francis D. (US Senate) 1956.” Letter from Francis D. Tappaan to Mary McLaughlin Craig thanking her for her letter to Senator Thomas Kuchel supporting the gold standard.
File “Stankovich, Juro 1956.” Correspondence from Juro N. Stankovich to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mining Company and the Stankovich Claims.
File “Weisenberg, Webb 1956.” Letter from Webb Weisenberg to Francis J. Parker on the leasing of Mary McLaughlin Craig’s property to timber companies.
File “1957.” Unsorted correspondence.
File “1957.” Unsorted correspondence.
Box 10. Contains correspondence and documents (1958).
File “Comments on the Estate of Mrs. J. Osborne Craig.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Babson’s Reports, Inc. on selling Homestake claims to the company.
File “Homestake Mining Company Interim Statement, June 30 1958.” Statement and summary of consolidated incomes of the Homestake Mining Company for the first six months of 1958.
File “Transcript for MacPherson vs. Homestake Mining Company.” Court transcript.
File MacPherson vs. Homestake, 1958.” Correspondence from attorney Paul D. Kolyn to Mary McLaughlin Craig on the MacPherson vs. Homestead case. Court transcripts.
File “1958.” Unsorted correspondence.
File “North American Mines, 1958.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Quincy Shaw of North American Mines, Inc. on selling the Homestake claims.
File “Colby, William E. 1958.” Letter from William E. Colby to Mary McLaughlin Craig discussing the Homestake claims.
File “Tuck, Ralph. 1958.” Correspondence between Ralph Tuck, Paul Kolyn, and Mary McLaughlin Craig, discussing evaluations of the Lead, S.D. Homestake properties. Includes service bills addressed to Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Homestake Mining Co, 1958.” Letter from John W. Hamilton to Joseph R. Thompson discussing a request made by Mary McLaughlin Craig to consolidate her dividend checks. Includes a Homestake Mining Company Interim Statement for June 30, 1958.
File “Stankovich Claim Report, ca 1958.” Geological report of the Stankovich Prospect.
File “Craig, Mary: Investment Reports 1958.” Report of Mary McLaughlin’s investments as of July 14 1958.
File “Craig, Mary. 1958.” Correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to William H. Gallagher, Herbert Hoover Jr., C.G. Bowers, Dr. Kenneth MacPherson, Patti Wiman, Mrs. Devor, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Walter Seligman, Frederick Eaton, John Wack, and Juro N. Stankovich. Includes a cut out of an article from The Magazine of Wall Street for Herbert Hoover Jr.
File “Colby, William E. 1958.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and William E. Colby on the Homestake and Stankovich claims.
File “Kerr – Addison Gold Mines Ltd. 1958.” 1956 annual report of Kerr-Addison. Includes letter from Kerr-Addison Secretary G. A. Cavin and Mary McLaughlin Craig detailing when the 1957 annual report will be mailed to her.
File “Runnells, Clive.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Clive Runnells Jr. of the Runnells Oil Company on their combined shares of mines in South Dakota.
File “Carbon Copies of Letters 1958.” Unsorted letters and correspondence.
File “Wiman, Patti 1958.” Correspondence and documents detailing Wiman’s shares of several Homestead and Stankovich claims.
File “Kolyn, Paul.” Correspondence between Paul Kolyn, Lawrence Wright, and Mary Craig on geological reports of various Homestake claims.
File “McLaughlin, Donald 1958.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Donald H. McLaughlin on the estimated values of the Stankovich and Homestake claims compared to gold prices.
File “Wright, Lawrence, cover letter w/ Mary Craig’s Chapter in the Homestake.” Report sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Lawrence Wright on the history of Mrs. Craig’s Homestake claims.
File “Wright, Lawrence, Woodstock & Associated Claims, 1958.” Preliminary report on Woodstock and Stankovich claims detailing geological settings. Includes sketch map of ore layouts.
File “Wright, Lawrence 1958.” Correspondence between Lawrence Wright and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake properties.
Box 11 [legal size]. Contains correspondence and documents (1959-1962).
File “Craig, Mary 1959.” Correspondence including between Mrs. Craig and Plato Malozemoff and Howard Keck.
File “McLaughlin Donald 1959.” Correspondence between Donald McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin Craig detailing the former’s disinterest in purchasing the Stankovich claims from Juro Stankovich and the history report drafted by Mrs. Craig of her Homestake shares. Also includes correspondence between Craig and McLaughlin on the lawsuit with Atlas.
File “Stankovich, Juro 1959.” Correspondence and documents between Juro Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig on shared properties.
File “Michael, James 1959.” Letters between James Michael and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Gallagher, William Henry 1959.” Letters between William Henry Gallagher and Mary McLaughlin Craig on Mrs. Craig’s lawsuit with MacPherson.
File “Tuck, Ralph 1959.” Correspondence between Tuck and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Craig Mary 1959.” Unsorted correspondence.
File “Craig Stankovich Claims, 1959.” Deed giving the Skewes-Coxes 1/150 share of Lawrence County, SD mining properties, Escrow Agreement between Mary Craig and Juro Stankovich, letters and sketches detailing Homestake claims, letter from James Michael to Mrs. Craig on payments for the escrow agreement.
File “1959.” Correspondence from Helene F. Seeley to Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Baxter Internation Eco. Res. Bur. 1960.” Excerpt from Baxter Internation Economic Research Bureau titled “New Pressures for an Increase in Silver and Gold Prices.” Discusses the federal government’s move away from the gold standard.
File “Chase Insurance 1960.” Liability statement on Stankovich Group of Claims, Grizzly Gulch, Lawrence County, South Dakota addressed to Mary McLaughlin Craig from H. G. Chase Real Estate.
File “Colby, William E. 1960.” Correspondence between Colby and Mary McLaughlin Craig on geological consultations.
File “Craig, Mary McLaughlin 1960.” Correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Ltd., Kenneth Kellar, Cooper Marsh, Robert P. Anderson (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) and Patty _____(?).
File “Hayes, Chas. R. 1960.” Correspondence and documents on the Homestake and Stankovich claims.
File “Hunt, R.N. 1960.” Letter from Hunt to Mary McLaughlin Craig praising geologist Ralph Tuck.
File “Ide, Chandler 1960 Stankovich Prospect.” Correspondence and geological report of the Stankovich Prospect between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Chandler Ide.
File “Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office 1960.” Property tax receipt addressed to Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1960.” Correspondence between Donald H. McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake claims.
File “Michael, James 1960.” Correspondence between Michael and Mary McLaughlin Craig over finding a consulting geologist and provisions to Mrs. Craig’s will.
File “News Releases – Homestake Mine 1960.” Clippings from the Lead Daily and Barron’s detailing gold stocks and the Homestake mines. Includes photo of Homestake Mining Company board of directors.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1960.” Correspondence between Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig on Stankovich and Homestead claims. Includes escrow agreement between Stankovich and Craig.
File “Troxell 1960?” Escrow agreement granting Paramount Mining and Development Corporation purchase of several Homestake claims.
File “Tuck, Ralph 1960.” Correspondence between Tuck and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake claims. Includes sketch map of Homestake ore bodies in relation to Stankovich claims.
File “Wilton, C.K. 1960.” Correspondence between Wilton and McLaughlin Craig on requesting copies of geological reports for the Homestake claims.
File “Wright, Lawrence B. 1960.” Correspondence between Wright and McLaughlin Craig on the Stankovich claims.
File “Unkown, No Date.” Document outlining mine inspection protocols for shareholders.
File “Brando, Marlon Sr. 1961.” Correspondence between Brando Sr. and McLaughlin Craig on Craig’s “A Chapter in Homestake Histroy.”
File “Craig, Mary McLaughlin 1961.” Includes correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig, Patty _____ (?) and Averill Harriman.
File “Hayes, Chas R. 1961.” Correspondence between Hayes, McLaughlin Craig, and James Michael on the Homestake claims.
File “Homestake Mining Co. Notice 1961.” Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders as well as a a summary of Homestake Mining Company by Kerr and Co. Engineering. Details Homestake’s position as a producer of one-third of the United States’ gold output.
File “Ide, Chandler 1961.” Correspondence between Ide and Mary McLaughlin Craig detailing doubts over purchasing the Homestake claims.
File “Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office 1961.” Property tax statements on the Homestake claims.
File “Marsh, Cooper 1961.” Correspondence between Cooper Marsh and McLaughlin Craig on selling Craig’s shares in the Stankovich claims to Paramount.
File “Martin, Paul E.” Letters between Paul Martin and Mary McLaughlin Craig on due claim property taxes.
File “Mathes, Burke 1961.” Letter from Burke Mathes to McLaughlin Craig.
File “McLaughlin, Donald H. 1961.” Letters between Donald H. McLaughlin and McLaughlin Craig on obtaining lecture copies of Craig’s grandfather.
File “Michael, James 1961.” Correspondence between James Michael and Mary McLaughlin Craig on billing for the Homestake claims and other matters.
File “Parker, Francis J. 1961.” Correspondence between Parker and McLaughlin Craig on late payments.
File “Rushmore State Bank 1961.” Letters between the Rushmore State Bank and Mary McLaughlin Craig detailing check amounts.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1961.” Correspondence between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig detailing selling shares of claims to Paramount Mining Co.
File “Troxell, Clifton H. 1961.” Correspondence between Clifton H. Troxell and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the purchase of Stankovich claims.
File “Wright, Lawrence B. 1961.” Correspondence between Wright and McLaughlin Craig discussing pricing of the Henault claim, as well as selling the Stankovich claims to Paramount Correspondence between McLaughlin Craig and Lawrence B. Wright discussing Wright’s inspection of the Henualt claims. Includes a grant to Mr. Wright for one one hundred-fiftieth share in the Homestake claims. Includes an original map showing locations of various claims near Deadwood, SD.
File “Craig, Mary McLaughlin 1962.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig, John K. Gustafson, Bennet Skewes-Cox, Patty ____(?), Clive Runnels and Miss Seeley.
File “Crocker-Anglo National Bank 1962.” Official grant indicating purchase of several Homestake claims by Paramount Mining Co. as well as several other documents tracking the sale.
File “U.S. Dept. of Labor 1962.” Letter from Louis Levine of the U.S. Employment Service to McLaughlin Craig on forwarding previous suggestions to President Kennedy.
File “Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office 1962.” Property tax summary for the mine claims owned by McLaughlin Craig.
File “Michael, James.” Correspondence from Michael to McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake and Stankovich claims.
File “Sale of Claims to Paramount Mining 1962.” Escrow deed and documents from McLaughlin Craig to Paramount detailing sale of various claims in South Dakota.
File “Silver State Corp. Service 1962.” Transmittal summary from Mclaughlin Craig to Paramount.
File “Stankovich, Juro N. 1962.” Letters between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the sale of the Stankovich claims.
File “U.S. Treasury Dept. 1962.” Letter from the Director of the Office of Domestic Gold and Silver operations to McLaughlin Craig discussing continuation of the gold standard.
File “Trozell, Clifton 1962.” Correspondence between Clifton Troxell and Mary McLaughlin Craig discussing the sale of claims to Paramount.
File “The White House 1962.” Letter from a White House correspondent thanking McLaughlin Craig for writing to President Kennedy.
File “Wright, Lawrence B. 1962.” Grant deed and documents detailing sale of various claims to Paramount.
Box 12. Contains correspondence and documents (1963-1965).
File “Troxell, Clifton 1963.” Correspondence sent between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Clifton Troxell, John B. Huttl, Juro N. Stankovich, C.R. Hayes and President Kennedy.
File “Stankovich, Juro 1963.” Letters between Juro N. Stankovich and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Hayes & Richards 1963.” Letters between C.R. Hayes and Mary McLaughlin Craig, notice of protest, affidavit, correspondence with James Michael.
File “President Kennedy 1963.” Correspondence sent from Mary McLaughlin Craig to President John F. Kennedy on the gold standard.
File “Michael, James 1963.” Letter sent between James Michael and Mary McLaughlin Craig.
File “Craig, Mary Deceased 2/3/64 Letters & obit. 1964.” Obituary, letter from Juro N. Stankovich to Mary Skewes-Cox, letters to L.B. Wright from Mary Skewes-Cox, letter from Dorothy Farnsworth to L.B. Wright, letter from L.B. Wright to Anne M. Keenan. A page of an article that discusses the Homestake Company.
File “1964.” Correspondence between James Michael, Mary Skewes-Cox, Richard A. Furze, Bennet Skewes-Cox, Cooper Marsh, Charles R. Hayes, Clifton Troxell, Harold I. Boucher, Juro N. Stankovich amd L.B. Wright, mostly related to Mary McLaughlin Craig’s case against Paramount Mining and her estate.
File “1965.” Correspondence between Mary Skewes-Cox, James Michael, Bennet Skewes-Cox, Curtis D. Ireland, Harold I. Boucher, L.B. Wright, Richard W. Robertson, Charles R. Hayes, Juro N. Stankovich, Charles Wiman, Clive Runnels, Richard A. Furze on Paramount Mining and the estate. Includes a newspaper clipping on Buffalo Bills stagecoach.
Box 13. Contains miscellaneous publications and manuscripts.
File “”. 1930 Memorandum on the Homestake structure. ‘Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers 1937’, articles by Lawrence B. Wright.
File “Miscellaneous Publications Homestake.” Includes ‘The Homestake Story: A South Dakota Enterprise’, brochure on the McLaughlin Mine, ‘Sharp Bits’ Homestake Mining Company Fall-Winter 1970, ‘How Homestake Meets Rising Costs’, stock report on the Homestake Mining Company published by Dean Witter & Co.
File “Manuscripts.” 9 copies (2 handwritten) of “A Chapter in Homestake History”, by Mary McLaughlin Craig. Telegram from Herman Phleger to Mary McLaughlin Craig. Power of attorney notice.
Box 14. Contains miscellaneous documents and papers related to mining and mine properties (1887-1919)
File “‘A Short History of Mining’ by Judge Daniel McLaughlin.” Contains a biography and transcript of a lecture given by Judge Daniel McLaughlin on mining in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
File “Documents Letters With No Dates.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and others including Juro N. Stankovich and Quincy A. Shaw.
File “Geological Report on the Stankovich Prospect.” Report on the Stankovich claims.
File “Mining Documents 1900s.” Mining deed, memorandum, mining option and paper on humility.
File “1940s.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Garret W. McEnerney (attorney), Chambers Keller (GM of Homestake), Jim Paramore (attorney & cousin), William Edward Colby (attorney), Louise Morris, Douglas L. Hatch, Edward H. Clark, Juro N. Stankovich, Robert C. Hayes, George Warren Wilson, Warren J. Mead, Francis J. Parker, John T. de Blois, Wack, Hayes & Rentto, Joseph L. Seligman Jr. (attorney), C.A. Wright, George Williams, Karl Quarenberg, John R. Russell, Sarah P. McLaughlin, Dr. James Noble and Lawrence B. Wright. Correspondence between Juro N. Stankovich and Leonard Wright. Draft of option agreement.
File “McLaughlin, Daniel ‘A Short History of Mining”, 1887 Typescript.” Biography and lecture transcript.
File “Letters to William L. McLaughlin 1882, 1884.” Correspondence sent to William L. McLaughlin.
File “1911.” Correspondence to Mrs. William L. McLaughlin.
File “Paramore, E.E. 1912.” Letter from E.E. Paramore to Sarah Clary McLaughlin.
File “1912.” Correspondence between Sarah Clary McLaughlin, E.E. Paramore and W.E. Adams.
File “Paramore, E.E. 1912.” Letter from E.E. Paramore to Sarah Clary McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin on the Homestake mine.
File “1913.” Correspondence between Sarah McLaughlin and Walter E. Graham, R. N. Ogden, Norman T. Mason and George G. Yeoman.
File “1914.” Correspondence between Sarah P. McLaughlin and Norman T. Mason.
File “1915.” Correspondence between Sarah P. McLaughlin and Norman T. Mason.
File “1916.” Correspondence between Sarah P. McLaughlin, W.E. Adams, V.R. Hodges, Martin & Mason and Frank E. Lahr.
File “1917.” Correspondence between Sarah P. McLaughlin and Martin & Mason.
File “1918.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin and Norman T. Mason.
File “Blacktail Gold Mining Co., 1910, Lawrence County, South Dakota.” Property reports for the Blacktail Gold Mining Co.
File “Clark, Edward H., 1917.” Correspondence between Edward H. Clark, Mary McLaughlin and Chambers Keller.
File “Clark, Edward 1923.” Correspondence between Mary Osborne Craig and Edward H. Clark.
Box 15. Contains miscellaneous documents and correspondence (1939-1940).
File “Craig, Mary McLaughlin ‘Gold in the Homestake’ typescript.” Inventory of the Mary McLaughlin Craig collection, market value appraisal for the Homestake Mine Archive, print out of SF Chronicle article on the purchase of Homestake Mining by Barrick Corp., pamphlet entitled Gold! in the ‘60’s, print out from Who Owns the West on the Barrick Gold Corporation, copy of ‘Gold in the Homestake.’
File “Obituary of D.H. McLaughlin + writings of D.H. McL. in various brochures.” SF Chronicle obituary for Donald H. McLaughlin, brochure on the Homestake company, ‘The Triumph of Gold’ by Donald H. McLaughlin, ‘What you should know about California Pioneer Gold… and probably don’t.’
File “Adams, Edward A. 1939.” Letter from Edward A. Adams to Mary McLaughlin Craig on legal representation.
File “Agreement, Mining Claims w/ Canyon Corp. 1939.” Unsigned agreement between Mary McLaughlin Craig and others on mining claims.
File “Colby, William 1939.” Correspondence between William Colby and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Wasp property.
File “Correspondence 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig, Kenneth MacPherson, Edward H. Clark, C.R. Hayes, Nathan E. Franklin, Louis F. Swift, Jacob Weinberger and C.O. Gorder.
File “Craig, Mary 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Jacob Weinburger, John R. Russell, Byron S. Payne, C.R. Hayes, Mitchell Taradash, Ernest May, Nathan Rosenthal, William E. Colby, Chambers Kellar, Lee J. Myers, W.J. Mead, James W. Paramore, Herman Phlegar, Wilton Lloyd-Smith, Frederick Eaton, P.A. Gushurst, Juro N. Stankovich and Edward A. Adams.
File “Fueller, Chas. M. 1939.” Letter sent from Charles M. Fueller to Lee J. Myers on Craig vs. Homestake.
File “Hayes, R.C. 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and C.R. Hayes on the Homestake property.
File “Keller, Chambers 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Chambers Keller on the Homestake Claim.
File “Russell, John R. 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and John R. Russell on mining interests in South Dakota.
File “Myers, Lee J. 1939.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Lee J. Myers on stockholder issues.
File “Naething, Foster.” Correspondence between Mary McLaughlin Craig and Foster Naething on the Wasp property.
File “Phleger, Herman 1939.” Correspondence between Herman Phleger and Mary McLaughlin Craig on Craig vs. Homestake.
File “Rosenthal, N.A. 1939.” Correspondence between Nathan A. Rosenthal and Mary McLaughlin Craig on the Homestake Mine.
File “Sutherland & Payne 1939.” Correspondence between Sutherland & Payne and Mary McLaughlin Craig on her suit against the Homestake Company.
File “Thomas, Beedy & Paramore 1939.” Correspondence between Thomas, Beady & Paramore and Mary McLaughlin Craig on Craig vs. Homestake.
File “Taradash, Mitchell 1939.” Telegram from Mitchell Taradash on the Phoenix and Jupiter properties.
File “Thomas, Sewell 1939.” Letter from Sewell Thomas to Mary McLaughlin Craig on exciting Craig vs. Homestake suit.
File “Wright, L.B., Letter to Mary Craig w/Reports 1939.” Letter from L.B. Wright to Mary McLaughlin Craig and reports on the Whitwood Mining District.
File “Livermore, Bob 1940.” Correspondence from Robert Livermore to Mary McLaughlin Craig.
Box 16. Contains photographs and photograph reproductions on paper.
Photographs and printed scans of photographs of Mary McLaughlin William Law McLaughlin and the Homestake Mine and houses designed by Mary McLaughlin Craig; articles on the Homestake Mine, article on Mary Craig, Genealogy of Sarah and Mary Patterson, biography on Judge Daniel McLaughlin, Mary McLaughlin Craig obituary, a pamphlet on the inheritance tax by W. L. McLaughlin, pamphlet on the stratigraphy of the Homestake Mine.
Box 17. Contains Homestake Mining Company annual reports.
Annual Reports of the Homestake Mining Company for the years 1961, 1965, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995.
Flat Archive Box 1. Contains correspondence (1880-1908) housed in plastic sleeves in a black binder. These documents were sent by the donor for appraisal in 2006 prior to donation. Includes:
Flat Archive Box 2. Contains 17 maps (18 pieces):
Plat of the Homestake Belt Mines, Black Hills, South Dakota. Frank S. Peck, U.S. Mineral Surveyor, Deadwood, South Dakota. Outlines Olaf Seim property (claims, Wasp No. 2). Note—According to gift documentation, donor (Pamela Skewes-Cox) retained the reverse blueprint copy of this map.
28 x 43”; blueprint, colored pencil markings.
[Detailed map showing properties of various mining companies.] Includes Homestake Mining Co., Golden Reward Mining Co., Bismarck Consolidated Mining Co., Cutting Mining Co., Gold Queen Mining Co., Lead City.
18 x 27”; blueprint on slick paper. Note—remove cellophane tape.
From L. B. Wright’s personal notebooks, originals that he mailed to Mary and Bennet Skewes-Cox:
[Untitled map of mine properties.] Shows relationship of Stankovitch Claim Group to Dam, Residue Impound Area, Shafts, etc. in Lead City area, Lawrence County, South Dakota, L. B. Wright, 1976. Notes locations of Grizzly (No. 5) shaft. Sept. 30 1976.
17 x 8”; acetate/plastic; pencil and ink; hand drawn.
Position of Homestake ore at surface; approximate position of ore at about 3800 ft.; based on claim map by Frank S. Peck, U.S. Dept. Mineral Surveyor (nd), L. B. Wright (4 items).
12 x 16”; parchment; pencil and ink; hand drawn.
12 x 16”; reverse blueprint copy of above.
10 x 14.5”; glossy paper; lacks detail of above (2 c.)
Map of structure of Pre-Cambrian rocks in the Lead District (nd). Shows strike of axial crest, fold complex, Stankovitch property.
17 x 11”; paper; ink drawing.
Curves showing relation and behavior of ore bodies on lower levels, L.B.W., Feb 1926. Graph.
20.5 x 13”; paper; colored ink.
[Untitled map of mining properties.] (nd) Shows strike of Homestake ore bodies; Homestake New Shaft; property “acquired by the H.S. Mining Co. from 1925-1942”; Oro Hondo and Yates shafts.
13.5 x 19”; glossy paper; b&w with red coloring. Comes with original envelope to Mary Craig from Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Limited, Virginiatown, Ontario.
Homestake Belt; overlay from ‘Plat of the Homestake Belt Mines’ by Frank S. Peck, Q. A. Shaw, Jr., 12/5/56. Projection of Homestake Mine ore zone. Shows Seim Group, New Shaft, Grizzly Gulch, Stankovitch Group.
16 x 20”; paper and ink; b&w.
Plan view – Homestake District; cross section – Homestake Mine (nd). Shows Ross, Yates, New Shaft, Stankovitch property and projection; strike of axial crest-fold complex.
22 x 16”. Note—remove cellophane tape.
Map of mineral claims owned by Stankovitch Brothers, Feb 15 1956. Scale 1” = 400’. (2 copies).
17 x 24”; b&w; glossy paper; ink drawing.
17 x 24”; blueprint.