There's a lot of advice on personal archiving available on the web. Library of Congress is a good authoritative place to start.
Good Practices
Interested in donating your time as well as your personal archives? You can help us with the accessibility and preservation of your items:
1) Include the embedded location and creator information in your born-digital photos.
2) Along with your original print photos, include digital copies scanned according to our Best Practices. This includes: TIFF format, 600 dpi, and no alteration of the original photo's appearance--don't crop, color enhance, or digitally "repair" the photo.
3) Create an inventory (paper items) or metadata spreadsheet (photographs) of your donation
4) Write up a summary. This could include: Biographies, timelines, historical context, noteworthy or special items in the collection, your associations with the materials.
5) Get advice from us on how to proceed, or collaborate with us on planning your donation. Questions? Contact us at Ask a Librarian.