Collection Guides are available for selected collections (see left-hand Menu)--These provide information about the contents and context of a collection and lists of materials and images. Collection Guides will help you identify items of interest and make it easier for you to request access to materials.
BOOKS, REPORTS, JOURNALS -- Accessible via the Library Catalog
01.xx Photographs and Media. Includes:
02.xx Administration; Operations. Includes Board of Trustee minutes
03.xx Faculty Committees. Includes Faculty Senate minutes
04.xx Academic Departments, Programs
05.xx Organizations, Clubs
06.xx People. Includes biographical notes; Presidents' Papers
07.xx Campus Life
08.xx History of the Colorado School of Mines. Includes written histories; Anniversary collections (75th, 90th, Centennial)
09.xx Campus Buildings, Facilities
10.xx Athletics, Sports
11.xx Public Relations, Marketing. Includes newspaper clippings; press releases
20.xx People of Mines Collections: Materials donated by alumni, students, and employees of Mines. Includes:
ARTIFACTS. Includes: