The CSM People Collection consists of biographical documents and other materials on people associated with Mines, including faculty, staff, alumni and benefactors. Contents range from short obituaries to files of news items, correspondence, and other documents.
Alderson, Victor - President of CSM; oil shale proponent; includes manuscript on jeffersonite
Alexander, William
Allison, Bruce - Athletics Director
Ansell, George - President of CSM
Babcock, Henry
Baldwin, Cecil C.
Balberyszksi, Theodore
Ball, James
Barber, Martin
Bartuneck, Paul
Bauman, Victor
Beers, John
Bellamy, Kenneth E.
Bennett, Stuart
Bergeson, Jerry
Berthoud, Edward L. - Namesake for Berthoud Hall
Bickart, Theodore - President of CSM
Bisque, Bloom Harold
Bowersox, Ralph Ramon
Bradley, Leo
Brennecke, Fritz - Athletic Director
Brown, George R. - Donor; namesake for Brown Hall
Burdick, H. - Dean of CSM
Burke, Albert
Butler, Gurdon M. (Class of 1902)
Buultiens, Ralph
Campbell, Frank R.
Carpenter, Clark Bailey
Carpenter, Robert
Carter, Robert
Chapitis, William
Chauvenet, Regis - President of CSM
Childs, Orlo - President of CSM
Christofferson, Gaye
Coke, John
Cole, G. Mattney
Conybeare, Charles
Coolbaugh, Melville - President of CSM
Coors, Joseph - Donor
Coors, William - Donor
Cox, Calhoun
Crabtree, Edwin H. - Director, CSM Research Foundation
Crafton, James
Cubbison, Lloyd
Culver, Richard
Darden, James
Darnell, Byron
Davey, Ronald
Davies, Joe
Del Rio, Sam
Dominguez, Richard
Door, John V. N. (Class of 1937)
Dumke, Walter
Duvall, Wilbur
Easley, Nancy - Student depicted in Life Magazine 1952
East, Jack, Jr.
Edwards, Kenneth
Eisenach, Edwin
Elbert, Samuel - First Territorial Governor of Colorado
Emrick, Harry W.
Evans, Hugh
Evans, Willis W.
Fertig, Wendell (Class of 1924)
Fisher, Edward
Fisk, Barbara
Fletcher, Hilbert
Fleury, Emil
Fogarty, Charles
Frost, Hildreth
Frush, Charles
Fuerstenau, Maurice
Gaines, William
Gallegos, Andrew
George, John
Gerhard, Lee
Goetz, Bruce
Gore, Jack
Green, Cecil - Donor; namesake for Green Center
Greenwald, Robert
Grosvenor, Niles
Grybeck, Donald
Grynberg, Jack
Guggenheim, Simon - Donor; namesake for Guggenheim Hall
Hale, Albert
Hancock, Jack
Hanke, Steven
Hansen, Jens
Hardinge, Hal (Class of 1889)
Hatley, Jimmy
Hawley, John Beach (Class of 1933)
Heiland, Carl August - Namesake for the Geophysics Heiland Lectures
Heller, Helen
Hendeson, Charles
Henderson, Don
Herold, Paul
Herold, Virginia Wilcox - Head Librarian
Higgins, Kent
Hilchie, Douglas
Hill, Nathaniel - Metallurgist; namesake for Hill Hall
Hiltop, Carl
Holland, Lawrence
Hollister, John
Holmer, Ralph
Hoover, Herbert C. - President of the United States; translator, De Re Metallica
Houghton, A. S.
Hughes, Richard
Huleatt, William Penn (Class of 1912?)
Ihlsing, Magnus
Janssen, Albertus
Johnson, George
Johnson, J. Harlan
Johnson, Jonas Morris - Biography by Mary Hoyt
Johnstone, James
Jordan, A. Raymond
Joseph, Tony
Kafadar, Ahmed - Donor; namesake for Kafadar Commons
Katz, Margaret
Kaufmann, Tom
Keating, Paul
Keeney, Raymond
Keller, George
Kelly, Thomas
Kesic, Dragoljub
Kirby, Edmund
Klodt, Donald
Klugman, Michael
Klusman, Ronald
Kramer, Robert
Kuhn, Truman
Lakes, Arthur
Laubach, Winton
Lauf, Gordon
Lee, Frank
LeFevre, Paul
Lemke, Merrill
Lemaire, George
Leroy, Leslie "Lett"
Lind, Samuel
Link, James - CSM Research Foundation
Lindsay, James
Lockridge, John P. - Donor; namesake for Lockridge Arena
Long, V. Allen
Loveland, William Austin Hamilton (W.H.A.)
Lubahn, Jack
Madden, Lloyd
Madsen, Earl
Marsh, Donald
Marshall, Scott
Mather, Jean Paul
Maytag, Robert
McBride, Guy T. - President of CSM; namesake for the McBride Honors Program
McCandless, Robert
McGlone, Edward
McLaughlin, Donald H.
McMechen, Edgar
McNair, Arthur
Mehl, Robert (Class of 1952)
Meredith, George
Meyer, Paul - Namesake for Meyer Hall
Meylink, willa
Micle, David
Miller, Steve
Mitchell, George, Jr.
Mohn, John
Morgan, Jesse - Dean of CSM
Moss, Milton - Professor in Charge, State School of Mines 1878
Nielson, Niels
Nordquist, Carl
Osborn, Robert
Palmer, Charles Skeele - President of CSM
Palmer, Irving A.
Parker, Ben H., Sr. (Class of 1924) - President of CSM; namesake for the Ben Parker Student Center
Parker, Richard A. (Class of 1930)
Parmalee, Howard - President of CSM
Pascoe, Monte
Patton, Horace Bushnell
Paulding, Bartlett
Pederson, John
Pegis, Anton
Phillips, William Battle - President of CSM
Pickthall, John
PIerce, Justin
Pulkrabet, Willard
Pullman, George
Randall, George W. - Founder, Territorial School of Mines
Rapp, Ed
Reed, John
Reed, John Burnes
Reeder, Robert
Reeves, John
Richtmann, William
Risser, Hubert
Schlecten, Albert
Schwartzberg, Fred
Scoggins, Myles (Bill) - President of CSM
Scott, Carroll Thomas (student, 1916)
Shannon, John M. - Director of the CSM Geology Museum
Sengbrush, R. L.
Shaw, Samuel, III
Shimoda, Elwyn
Signer, Merton - Dean of CSM
Smiley, Francis, Jr.
Smith, James T.
Sorgenfrei, Robert
Staff, Gregory
Stansbury, James
Starks, Charles
Stenger, Daniel
Steinhauer, Gurnett
Steinhauer, Frederick - Namesake for Steinhauer Field House
Stockmar, Ted
Stoessinger, John
Stratton, Winfield Scott - Donor; namesake for Stratton Hall, Stratton Assay Laboratory
Tempest, Robert L. (Class of 1943)
Thomas, John
Thomas, Lester
Trexler, David
Van Diest, Peter Hendrick
Van Tuyl, Frances M. - Namesake for the Geology Van Tuyl Lecture Series
Volk, Russell - Donor; namesake for Volk Gymnasium
Vanderwilt, John - President of CSM
Wang, Fun-Den
Powers, Warren "Pi"
Waters, Ernest
Wegener, Patsy
Welch, Charles C.
West, George - Editor, Golden Transcript
White, James
Wichman, Arthur
Wilcox, Virginia (see Herold, Virginia Wilcox)
Warren, Jack
Wilson, James
Wimpress, Duncan