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Library and Museum DI&A

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2021: Installed New Reflection Room

The library completed installation of a new nondenominational Reflection Room for prayer and meditation. Located on Floor 1, south side. The room will debut Fall 2021:

Painting the new Reflection Room Reflection Room includes yoga & prayer mats,  a small bench, more.

Noise Zoning


The library has designated a variety of noise zones throughout the building as we strive to provide a welcoming and productive environment that can meet all patrons' needs. We offer spaces in the library that are conducive to all methods of learning.  



2020: New Women in STEM Tutorial

The library created a new Women in STEM tutorial as a learning module for incorporation into Mines’ courses

Woman sitting at desk, woman speaking

Inclusivity in Social Media

The library is intentionally and regularly integrating inclusive messaging and DI&A values into our social media posts.

                                          Intentional DI&A social media:  Countering Asian American discrimination.