To start, you may use the Mines Library Catalog to search for research articles for a broad understanding of your research topic. Use the faceted filters on the right side of the search result to narrow it down to Resource Types / Articles.
Please note: not all research articles which the library subscribes to are searchable through the catalog. Only use the catalog for a broad search to get started and use specialized databases such as the Web of Science, Google Scholar, or MathSciNet to run more specific and comprehensive searches on your topic.
General Scitech Databases
Business Databases
We have access to most of the major operations research and management journals. Below is a sampling. They are in order by impact factor.
Journal of Operations Management
Management Science
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Research Policy
Operations Research
Production and Operations Management
Transportation Research Part A, B, C, D, E, and F
Journal of Business Logistics
International Journal of Production Economics
Journal of Management Information Systems
European Journal of Operational Research
Journal of Quality Technology
Journal of Informetrics
Computers and Operations Research
INFORMS Journal on Computing
International Journal of Production Research
Mathematics of Operations Research
Operations Research Perspectives
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE
Quality and Reliability Engineering International
Journal of Manufacturing Processes
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Information Processing and Management
Annals of Operations Research
If you know the title of the journal you want to browse, you could search for the journal title in the catalog. For example, if you do a search on Journal of Operations Management, the first item to come up will be the catalog record for the journal. You can then view the table of contents for the journal.
Many library databases use standardized or controlled language terms such as:
business logistics