Websites provide up-to-the minute news and information about current events, trends, and controversial topics. They may also contain government publications such as reports, statistics, legislation and service information; interviews, newspaper articles; research reports; conference/workshop/symposium papers; maps and other types of resources.
Use these good search habits to find high quality, authoritative sources on the internet:
1) Limit your Google Search by domain -- add site:. before a domain, such as .gov or .edu.
For example, search Google with the following: artificial intelligence
2) Use Google Scholar, instead of the regular Google search box to find for scholarly articles
3) Let the Google Scholar citation help you find related articles, create a citation or get the full text from the library
Enable the "View it @ Mines" option in Google Scholar
This option will place a link alongside article results that, when clicked, will send you directly to the full-text of a particular article if it is available either through an open-access or subscription resource.
The best way to understand the use of our link resolver and the View It @ Mines option is to enable it. Here are instructions on how to do so: