Organizing and distributing research has multiple components to it. This workshop shows how there are tools and resources out there to help with the research lifecycle. By sharing data, you can also generate public trust and expand funding possibilities, which is important to any savvy researcher.
This workshop on scholarly identity outlines diversity of research output, dissemination for maximum impact, and why open access is relevant.
This workshop gives an overview of what a copyright is in a nutshell, what happens to copyright when you publish, using copyright materials, as well as licensing your work.
A literature review identifies, evaluates and synthesizes the existing body of literature related to your research topic. A completed literature review is a cyclical process, requiring both analysis and feedback.
Building your scholarly identity comes in all sorts of shapes and forms. For establishing an online scholarly identity, Twitter is a great platform to showcase your work, network/collaborate with peers and engage in professional discussion.
High Performance Computing (HPC) is a critical tool for computational research. This workshop gives an overview of HPC at CSM and the options available for researchers.
Introduction to Zotero, a citation management program. Learn how to organize your citations and improve your writing efficiency by incorporating a Microsoft Word plugin.
Graphical representation of information is critical for communicating to your audience. Learn what most effectively conveys your thoughts and what to avoid. Also mentioned is Tableau and R markdown.
This workshop discussed financial planning and methods to keep track of your spending and income. Types of financial accounts are detailed and advises which one you should choose.
This workshop explores how to curate a scholarly identity and covers some tools like ORCID iD to help you track and share your research as you begin to publish your work.
This workshop explores what Git and GitHub are, getting set up, and performing some of the basic operations in this version control system.
This workshop outlines the basics of of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). These powerful tools let you visualize and analyze geographical data.
Communication of science is a critical skill to develop to ensure your research is having the most impact possible. This workshop explored how to communicate effectively with the public.
Copyright can be complex, this workshop explored copyright permissions and rights in the context of theses and dissertations.