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HASS 488/588 -- Global Water Politics and Policy

Course research guide for HASS 488/588

Why use Web Resources?

Websites provide up-to-the minute news and information about current events, trends, and controversial topics.  They may also contain government publications such as reports, statistics, legislation and service information; interviews, newspaper articles; research reports; conference/workshop/symposium papers; maps and other types of resources.  

Finding Good Web Resources

Use these good search habits to find high quality, authoritative sources on the internet:

1)  Limit your Google Search by domain -- add site:. before a domain, such as .gov or .edu. 

example of google search with .gov domain

2) Use Google Scholar, instead of the regular Google search box to find for scholarly articles

3) Let the Google Scholar citation help you find related articles, create a citation or get the full text from the library

Google Scholar citation example

Finding Country Information

When working on your project, consider the country of origin for your sources.  You will want to be sure to include voices and perspectives from the a variety of nations, and not just sources from the West.  Here are some sources to get started with:

Search for information from your country using their domain:

  1. Find the internet domain for your country

  2. Search Google using “site:.___”  For example, if I am looking for migrant workers in Dubai, my search might look like this: "migrant worker"

Google search of "migrant worker" with sites limited to .ae

Evaluating Web Resources