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Scholarly Identity

Overview online scholarly profile and network sites and introduce why and how to create an ORCID iD as well as how to populate ORCID profile.

What is ORCID ?

ORCiD - Open Researcher and Contributor ID

ORCID iD imageA non-profit registry of unique research identifiers; also providing a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

ORCiD iD -- Unique, persistent identifier for researchers & scholars

A 16-digit number linked to your ORCID profile and can be submitted along with your manuscript for publication, grant proposal, and other digital dissemination of your work to connect your work with your scholarly identity.

ORCiD Statistics

Want help getting started? We recommend you view this recorded ORCiD Workshop


Why do you need an ORCID iD?

  • Enhance name disambiguation
  • Is not limited by institution/publisher/platform
  • Stays with you throughout your career
  • Improves discoverability & Connects your work
    • Machine actionable mechanisms to link research outputs online to your identity
    • Wide range of works can be included
  • Is a profile you set up and control, including:
    • privacy settings, what is included/displayed
    • access to your record from “Trusted Organization” for  auto-update
    • allowing you to identify & claim your scholarship/publications
  • Is open source, responsive to users, active and transparent integration with the scholarly infrastructure

Additional benefit:

Sign in with collaboration tools via one account that connecting all your scholarly work. For examples, sign in Open Science Framework or Overleaf as shown in the screenshots below.

OSF sign in page with ORCID signing in option

Overleaf site sign in with ORCID option



How does ORCID work through the scholarly infrastructure?


ORCID integration via publisher and funders' requirements to other parts of the scholarly infrastructure

It would only work if you, the author / content creator, have an ORCID iD and use it with your research output!

Register and Sign In

Choose either your email or your personal email to register. You can always change your email associated with your ORCID iD if you graduate from or leave Mines.

  • You may now use Mines credential to sign in your ORCID profile. 

Choose Colorado School of MInes from the drop-down list under Institutional Account tabChoose "Colorado School of Mines" from the "Institutional account" tab and then you will be taken to the Mines sign-in interface to sign-in and link your ORCID profile to it.







remove alternate sign in option under Account Settings or ORCIDYou can remove the "Alternate sign in accounts" under  "Account settings" when you leave Mines.

Populate Your ORCID Profile

  • Content to add manually
    • Biography
    • Education
    • Employment
  • ORCID profile add work via Search and LinkAdd works
    • Search & Link
      • Use CrossRef Metadata Search, DataCite, ResearcherID (Web of Science), or Scopus to ORCID to search and import your publications.
      • You will need to Authorize the linking.
      • Auto-update: Once authorized, the data source will alert you when new works become available. You can decide whether to add the new works to your profile. To ensure you receive the alerts, make sure you check the option for “An ORCID member wants my permission to add or update my ORCID record.” in your Account seting/Email notification setting if you’d like to grant permission to those additions one by one.
      • Check An ORCID member wants permission... under EmAll the authorizations can be revoked in your Account Settings



  • Import BibTex
    • If you have all your publications saved in a reference management software, export them into the ".bib" format and upload it to your ORCID profile.
    • If you have your Google Scholar profile cleaned up, you can export the publication list there into a ".bib" file and import it there.
  • Add manually by completing a form


Use Your ORCID iD

Get HTML code to wembed in your website and QR Code
  • When you submit your manuscript for publishing
  • When you apply for grants
  • On your webpage
  • In your email signature
  • When you share data sets, slides, posters, or other project in open repositories (e.g. Open Science Framework, Zenodo, Disciplinary and Institutional Repository etc.)
  • When you do peer review or post your peer review activity history (e.g. Publon connecting to ORCID)


Proper display of ORCID iD in your email signature or webpage

Example: a full https URI preceded by the iD icon, both hyperlinked to the URI


Download ORCID icon:

As shown in the screenshot,  from the sidebar of your profile, you can get:

  • HTML code to display ORCID on your website
  • QR Code for your ID

When you submit a grant application:

When you submit a manuscript:

Check your author profile on the publishers' website, find a field to add your ORCID iD to it. The implementation timeline of ORCID integration of various publishers can be found here. If your academic advisor is submitting the manuscript, ask them to add you as co-authors in the system with the email you used to create the author profile. Your linked ORCID iD should show up in the final publication.

Examples of ORCID integration in IEEE and ACS manuscript submission system.

ORCID Integration in IEEE manuscript submissionORCID integration in ACS manuscript submission system

Publishers Require ORCID iD

See the up-to-date list of publishers requiring ORCID iD for corresponding authors at the ORCID site here

Here, we highlight a few publishers that Mines authors work with frequently. 

  • American Geophysical Union
  • IEEE
  • American Chemical Society
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • IOP Publishing
  • Wiley
  • SpringerNature
  • ... ...

Types of Unique and Persistent Identifiers

See a list of persistent identifiers  useful in Scholarly Communication complied by National Information Standards Organization. 

Here, we highlight a few most useful ones for researchers in science and engineering. 

Identifiers for People (e.g. author)

Identifiers for Objects (e.g. articles)

Identifiers for Micro-objects (e.g. molecules)