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Introduction to working with LaTaX

What is Authorea?


Authorea is a platform that allows you to edit in LaTeX, richtext, or markdown. Therefore, you can upload an existing word document (i.e. from Google Docs or Microsoft Word) or an LaTeX file to Authorea, edit it, and download in various formats. There are also thousands of starter templates, including templates for research documents, LaTex documents, journal articles, or even interactive documents.

Each Authorea document can be linked to a GitHub repository, which enables you to add data to a figure in your document, bring source code or other supplementary material into you document, or create interactive figures with HTML, CSS, SVG, or Javascript.

Basic plans (up to 3 private documents) and student/educator plans (up to 10 private documents) are available in addition to premium plans, which provide unlimited documents, unlimited collaborators, and more data storage.

The following video is a brief and fun introduction to Authorea's goals and capabilities.

Video Resources



A Quick introduction to AUTHOREA

This video quickly shows how to insert document sections, citations, figures, tables, data, equations, and LaTeX code into your document in Authorea.

Citing sources

This video is a quick demo of citing a source in Authorea.

Interactive figures

Authorea allows you to create interactive figures using your data. 

Text Resources



Getting Started with Authorea

This document walks through the basics of Authorea including account and group creation, document import or creation, citations, data and interactive figures, and publishing your work.

Getting Started with Authorea

additional features

These posts walk through various Authorea features. For more support, the Authorea help center, where you can search for or ask questions live, can be found here.

Insert an Interactive Figure

Syncing Articles to GitHub

Convert LaTeX Document to Word

Submit an Article Directly to Publisher