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Government Information

Access to helpful federal, state, foreign, and international web sites and portals.

In the Guide

Access to government information from the United States, Colorado, International, Foreign, and Intergovernmental Organizations. This Guide will get you to resources from all of these levels of governments electronically. 

 Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) quoteFederal government information word cloud

Mines Library has been a member of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) since 1939 and as such has been receiving official government information for the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). Public access to this collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code) and is primarily focused on science and technology publications from STI Federal agencies. The majority of government information received today are in electronic form. Mines also participates in the Colorado State Government depository program and now receives all publications from the state of Colorado electronically. Access to the Mines government collections can be found at the Library Catalog.


Federal / U.S. - search top web sites containing U.S. government information

Colorado - search top web sites containing Colorado state government information

Other States - search top web sites containing state government information for all states besides Colorado.

International/Foreign/IGO - search top web sites containing information from international organizations, foreign governments, and international governmental organizations.

Citing Sources - find information on citation formats, citation management tools and more.

Evaluating Sources - find information on finding authoritative sources


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Citing Sources

Evaluating Sources

Government Information Accessibility and Discoverability

Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) logoLibrarians believe in freedom, and judgement-free use of information from many viewpoints. Supporting access and discoverability of government information is critical to our profession; Arthur Lakes Library supports those involved with improving and facilitating access to government resources.

Arthur Lakes Library supports programs to increase the availability and use of government information and works to increase communication between documents librarians and the larger community of information professionals. We support public access to government information as required by law and advocate for freedom of information.